Tuesday, July 22, 2014

God Doesn't Create Junk!

Today was the first day of the 4 day VBS the team has prepared for the 40 children God has entrusted to us this week. Below are the experiences, thoughts, and prayers of Andrea.

The Lord blessed us with a beautiful sunny and cool morning to start out the day. After breakfast, the VBS fun began!  We divided the kids into 3 groups led by crew leaders: Ryan, Diane and myself. Our fearless, soccer playing leader Tina began the program with an introduction, and then we watched a skit (performed by Katy and Diane), and enjoyed some opening music.  David shared a Bible story from Genesis 1, where the focus was on our amazing, awesome, Creator, God. Along with translators and 3 Buckner interns, each group experienced a craft station, (led by Candy and Josie), a music station, (led by Laura), and a game station (led by Brett).  Elizabeth was continually capturing the "Kodak" moments and Tim seemed to just always be wherever needed with plenty of smiles and kids surrounding him. The morning activities brought a wonderful opportunity to see the unique characteristics that God has placed in all of us.  The afternoon and evening were filled with rocket wars, dancing, games, tie dying shirts and LOTS of laughs!!!!  What a privilege it is to be a part of God's work in the lives of these orphaned children.  Today, my prayer for all of the children is simple: that they would truly believe that God created them, and that they would understand that they have great value because God does not create junk!   Andrea Jamison

Today the team was challenged to step more out of their comfort zones and really seek to find out what these children came to camp for. This type of action takes a lot of courage because sometimes the answers they receive to those questions can be a bit scary. Sometimes we forget the mask these children put on to hide from their past. So, I ask you all to pray for the team to fearlessly search the hearts of these children and the wisdom to provide comfort and healing to their fragile souls.

To see other blog posts from the ACF summer mission trips click here.

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